You will age, but if you work at it you can keep your body and mind young. Learn how to avoid signs of getting older in your body and mind and increase longevity by studying the information in this article and applying it to your life. There are plenty of happy years ahead of you if you choose to follow the advice in this article.
Turn that frown upside down unless you want to develop deep wrinkles. As crazy as it make sound it’s really true. Give yourself a pinch if you notice that you are doing it. Stick with it, and you can train yourself away from wrinkle-inducing frowns.
Use resveratrol. Studies have shown Resveratrol has many anti-getting older benefits. Resveratrol, a compound found in grapes and nuts, mimics those benefits. This nutrient, Resveratrol, is found in many supplements. Another place to find it is the South American shrub called Senna quinquangulata.
Learn new things and keep your mind moving. Old age does not prevent you from learning new things. Whether it is through a course at the local college about computers or a simple crossword puzzle, they will both keep you on your toes and feeling great.
As you age, your home is a reflection of who you are and becomes your personal sanctuary. Personalize your living spaces and make them as comfortable as possible. Your home will comfort you.
If you want your skin to look its best as you get older, do not use foundation or powder makeup. This is extremely important to getting older skin which needs extra hydration. You may find that simpler cosmetics such as mascara, lip gloss and eye liner are better suited for you.
Surround yourself with happy cheerful people. Research has shown that smiling and genuine laughter will decrease the appearance of wrinkles and will keep you young looking. In order to have something to laugh about, you need to hang around people whose company you enjoy, not those who make you frown.
Based on what you’ve read, you can see that growing older is not a horrible thing! You can still have an active and vibrant life provided that you take good care of your body and mind. Consider some of the ideas that you resonate with the most, and always make room for your own personal betterment and enjoyment.