A great wine is capable of making any occasion a great event. You need to be able to choose the right wine and serve it properly, however. Keep reading to gain the information necessary to do just that.
Seafood goes great with Pinot Grigio. This wine can truly enhance the taste of the dish. Other white wines go equally well with seafood. It makes for a tasty combination when you pair white wine with seafood.
Get to know your local wine shop. This is particularly important as each shop is different. Every place will have different prices, overall focus and selections. A high-end store is not a good place for someone new to start learning this hobby. Find the perfect shop for your needs.
Wine Tastings
Attend wine tastings. Wine tastings are events that allow you to try out different types of wines for a lower cost. You can turn it into a social outing, too. Invite your friends and family over to taste the wine. Enjoy a new pastime and enrich your friendships, all at once.
Purchase a single bottle if you simply want to do a taste test. With such a great variety, how can you know which you’ll prefer? Get a bottle prior to buying a case.
Reduce your intake of wine during the week if you notice that you are getting a lot of headaches after you drink it with a meal. Wine has sulfites, which are known to cause headaches. You just need to drink moderately at all times.
Both red and white wines should be kept in their respective glasses. A narrow wine glass is better for your white wines, which limits that warm air that touches the wine. Red wine glasses are designed with a wider body and a large mouth. This allows more air into your glass to let the wine warm and boost the flavor.
Clearly, storing, serving and tasting wines can involve numerous considerations. Implement these tips to avoid a disaster at your next event. Use what you’ve learned, and you will see that people will start to really enjoy the wines you choose.